

In the church of capitalism, we build our identity in the reflection of the products and objects that surround us. 

In the internet age, the wash of images, objects, of manufactured colours and sounds swell to an unrelenting, biblical flood. We find ourselves unconsciously moulded by whatever debris can fracture our attention. 

I fish objects from the flood- things that are iconic of a shared emotional experience. I obliterate, reassemble and repeat until my hands bleed and my legs tremble with the repetition of a single action. 

I reach for the 21st century’s consumerist weapons - attention and repetition - pulling them out of the cerebral realm and into the tactile. I force an object, en masse, into new forms that confront and break harmony with the new consumerist anthem of efficiency, variety and convenience. 

This discord amplifies the emotional response we have attached to the object. It becomes oversaturated and absurd, dislodging from its place in our constructed reality. It looms over us like a living monster. Did we choose this? Do we feed it? Do we fear it? Do we fight it?